Why You Should Choose Sales

Boston Direct Inc
3 min readSep 10, 2021
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Are you considering tackling a career in sales but are still weighing the pros and cons? Well then, you’ve come to the right blog! Our team here at Boston Direct are high rollers in the sales field, and one of the best things that we have learned throughout the years is that knowledge should be shared. Today, we are going to discuss our top three reasons why we believe everyone should start their careers off in sales. This is an industry that welcomes all personality types with open arms. So, throw your worries away and continue reading because we believe that YOU have the potential to thrive in this exciting career field.

Earning Potential

What is the one thing that all businesses have in common? They want to consistently create revenue. Now, how do CEOs motivate their team members to put in the work to help the company succeed? By making it personal. In the sales industry, team members have the potential of earning an uncapped paycheck each week. In other words, their income is based on their performance. In what other industry do you have the ability to make as much money as you want as long as you put in the work? It’s unheard of — except in the sales field!


Do you have a busy schedule and worry that working in sales will take up too much of your time? We get it; we have families and personal lives too! The perk of working in the sales field is that your schedule can be flexible. The flip side is that in order to earn the privilege of flexibility you have to meet certain revenue goals. This is an incentive. Put in the work and hit your goals and watch over the years as you begin to have more control over your time, allowing you to be more involved with your family, friends, and community!

Entrepreneurial Steppingstone

The Boston Direct team have some pretty large career aspirations. Can you say the same about yourself? Our goals center around developing ourselves into successful entrepreneurs, and in order to achieve these goals, we know that we have to master certain skills; skills that will help us manage our time, lead others effectively, master open communication, etc. What is the one field that you can learn all of these skills? Sales, of course! Are you catching on to why we are such advocates for this career field?

At the end of the day, the only advice that we can truly give you about your career is to go with your gut. There is no one on this earth that knows you better than yourself. So, think to yourself, “do I have the drive to be successful in business”. If you answered with a loud, YES, then sales is the industry for you! It allows you to earn a paycheck that matches your work ethic, take control over your work/life balance, and prepare you for a successful career as an entrepreneur. Here’s a fun fact for you — did you know that 15% of Fortune 500 CEOs got their start in sales? If that’s not motivating, then we don’t know what is!



Boston Direct Inc

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